Time Saving Guessing tricks for JEE Mains & NEET

Time saving guessing tricks for
JEE Mains & NEET

Most students get very anxious and distressed before giving JEE Mains or NEET . It is true that the questions present in JEE Mains or NEET are of complex nature and it takes up a lot of time to solve some of the more difficult questions. But if you use these tricks, you can save your time while solving easy or tricky questions during exam. You can use this time to solve difficult questions and score high in exam.

Exam is one of the most challenging engineering / medical tests out there. All the questions are MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions). Every MCQ has a total of four options from that you have to chose 1 correct option. Guessing is discouraged in exam as there is negative marking for guessing incorrectly.

During this test of 75 questions in Mains & 180 in NEET, you are going to come across questions you wouldn’t know the answers too and some simple time saving tricks can help you to answer those questions in few seconds.
Here are some basic time saving guessing tricks you can use to solve the questions in JEE Mains or NEET exam.
Time Saving Guessing tricks for JEE Mains & NEET

  • The highest and lowest values
While solving questions that have numerical value answers and you are stuck and don’t know the answer at all, one of the tricks you can adopt is that don’t choose the highest or the lowest value. In 60% of the cases, the extreme values are not the answer.
  • Checking the dimensions
This trick is for the physics questions. When solving a physics question , check the dimensions that go with what you have to find. To clarify, here’s an example:
Suppose you have a physics question where you are required to find the acceleration, so you can filter out the answers whose dimensions are not m/sec2.

  • No-negative marking questions, Numerical value question 

In the test there are going to be questions that are going to have no negative marking. Never leave those questions unanswered. Because even if you are wrong, your marks will not get deducted. There will be 5 such questions in each subject in JEE Mains . So never miss them and also do not waste time on them while guessing . You may answer your favourite number between 0 to 9 mostly .
  • Values and Units
To confuse students in the JEE test, they play with the units and the values of the options. The best guess in these questions is that you choose the unit that has been used thrice and the value that has been used twice. To demonstrate, here’s an example:

A) 4 s
      B)  4 min
      C)  6s

      D)  3 s

In these options, seconds (s) has been used thrice and the value 5 has been used twice. So your best bet is option A.
  • ‘All of the above’ questions

If there is a question that has ‘all of the above as an answer option and you are a hundred percent certain that one of the other 3 options is incorrect, do not choose the ‘all of the above option’.

  • Value guessing questions
These are the questions in which a series of values is given and you are supposed to guess the next value in the series. In these questions, first check if the values are increasing or decreasing, then check by how much gaps are the values increasing or decreasing. This helps save a lot of time while solving such questions.

  • Careful time management

 Last one but not the least, time management is the best trick to effectively solving your JEE / NEET exam. If you don’t manage time, you are going to be stressed out and in turn mess up your exam. If you come across a question you don’t know the answer to, do not waste time on it, instead skip it for now and come back to it later. This saves a lot of time.
Do not worry about the Difficult or tricky questions, stress will only make it more difficult to solve the exam.

Also you may go for the following tips .

Some best guessing tricks In Jee Mains & NEET in short -

1. When all options are having Numerical values
When all given options are having numerical values, stay away from extreme low and high values. Most of the time they are not correct.
This is a blind guess techniques, personally I will not suggest anyone to go for it
2. Go for guess work if you have already know two incorrect answers
It's a big risk to choose correct answers among four options, as you will have only 25% chance of success. Go for guess when you have already eliminated two wrong answers because now its 50% chance you are gonna answer correctly.
3. Don’t leave any question, when there is no negative marking .
I’ve seen many students who are doing calculations till the very last moment to find out the answers. If negative marking is not there in the question paper, put 15 minutes time separately to just fill the OMR sheet, during NEET. You should attempt all questions in such cases and try your luck.
4. Sometimes units play a major role .
Sometimes there are questions where you can choose the correct option by just looking at units of options, so just be smart. Don’t start calculation immediately, first look at all options.
Maybe you need no calculations at all.
5. Domain and Range of a Function
Questions related to finding domain of a function in IIT JEE are usually asked as below:
If x = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}, y = {2, 3, 4, 5} and x X, y Y, then which of the following is a function in the given set –
(a) f1 = {(x,y) : y = x + 1}
(b) f2 = {(x,y) : x + y =>5}
(c) f3 = {(x,y) : y* x=4 }
(d) None of these
In such questions, you do not have to solve the entire function.
Just put in the extreme values of the set in the function and see if they satisfy the answer. In this question, you can put 0 and 4 for x and 2 and 5 for y. You will be able to get the correct answer as (d) in this case.
6. If you are appearing for JEE Advanced , do guess work rarely.
These guys are very smart, they out each and every option to catch your mistakes and they know most of the guessing techniques opted by students. I have discussed in detail How to prepare for JEE advanced on this blog .
So be careful :)
Hope this helps to both JEE and NEET Aspirants .

 Best of Luck …



  1. It was really good stuff to know.....no legit conversation...proper method..good to see ur blog bhushan.......Go for next one will be best one✨✨🚩

  2. It was really good stuff to know.....no legit conversation...proper method..good to see ur blog bhushan.......Go for next one will be best one✨✨🚩

  3. This is actually very helpful for NEET and JEE aspirants...
    Great workπŸ‘πŸ»

  4. It is very helpful
    I am very glad abt visiting your blog.πŸ’―


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